About Our Guest Speakers

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“Discover Hidden Jobs with Social Media”

National Speaker and Best Selling Author, Joshua Waldman, 2/25/15

“Four Key Steps + One GIANT Leap to Finding, LEADING & Building an Extraordinary Career and Life”

National Speaker and Author Steven Fulmer,  2/11/15


Guest Speaker Testimonials

             March 12, 2015

I really appreciate your due diligence with all things CRN. You’ve built a fantastic organization to benefit our needy community.

Thanks again for all of your good works. The flyer looks great. I’ll circulate it among my contacts as well.


                                                                                          Thanks, Bruce Murray


September 5, 2014


You have built a great group and we were honored to share our story. It was a pleasure to meet you, learn about your group and meet your members. 

You have done an amazing job of creating a vibrant, active, supportive environment for business professionals.

                                                                                        Thanks, Jody and John White

May 31, 2014

I’m delighted to have met the members of the group … I have four coffee dates and two upcoming presentations as a result!
I’m excited about fine-tuning the content.
Doug, you are providing an incredible service and building momentum while helping professionals in such a unique way!!!
Again, I was delighted to have the opportunity to engage!

Thanks, Polly Malby

December 19, 2013

Time to ‘dance’!Thank you Doug for the opportunity to share with the CRN tribe and thank you for being an incredible
resource/inspiration/support for so many people; especially ‘job seekers’ out there. You rock!

Thanks, Lou Radja

March 29, 2013

Thank you for inviting me as a guest speaker for the CRN group. What a delightful experience meeting everyone! The group is
clearly dedicated to personal development. The energy in the room feels vibrant and bright. It was such a pleasure to work with
the group and meet many of them individually afterward.

Warm Regards,
Meredith Marie Miller

November 21, 2013

Thank you so much for inviting me to speak at CRN last week. You are doing some great things!

All the BEST,

Susan Bender Phelps

October 23, 2012

Thank you again for the having me speak at the CRN event. Itwas very enjoyable. I got a great vibe from what you were
developing with the group. What a great resource you are providing.
-Shane P. Swilley

May 29, 2012

I hope you had a great weekend. I am glad the presentation was well received. I always enjoy working with you and
your group. Thank you for the opportunity. If you want to schedule some other dates and times into the future a bit, maybe for
July or August, I am willing to come back and speak on another topic you feel is needed or that would be interesting to
cover/discuss. Just let me know. I want to support your group anyway I can. Again, thank you. You are doing a great job
facilitating this group –keep up the great work!!

-Barbara Barde

 Guest Speakers- John & Jody White
“Living in the Leap” 2 part series, August 13,  2014

Guest Speaker, Angie DeRouchie
received a Certificate of Appreciation on July 23, 2014

Two Recent Video Playbacks

Here’s a sample of what we heard from Steven Fulmer, October 23, 2013:

The second sample of Steven Fulmer’s inspiring talk at CRN:

 Praise for our speakers

At the 2013 CRN holiday luncheon, guest speaker Lou Radja presented his 7 Keys to Successful Living. One of our members, David Olson, provided the following review. Thanks, David!

CRN held its annual holiday luncheon on December 10th at Ernesto’s Italian Restaurant in Beaverton. It was a great time shared with many people seeking to develop themselves and their careers. The CRN was once again fortunate to have Lou Radja (Speaker, Author, and Coach) share an informative and inspirational message. Lou has done that the past three years.

Lou truly is an exceptional presenter in terms of content and speaking skills. His life and message is rooted in his early years growing up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, after which he graduated from PSU and now lives in the Portland area. I thought he was excellent, as was the information and inspiration that he shared.

Linked below is a summary of another presentation that Lou made. That summary includes another link that is to an audio presentation which includes that other presentation. That contains some similar information as was presented at the CRN holiday luncheon, along with some differences. This falls far short of hearing Lou in person as he is dynamic, but this is still very good.

I hope you appreciate what he shared as much as I do.

7 Keys to Successful Living, by Lou Radja:

  1. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!
  2. Be clear on what you want & why you want it!
  3. Don’t do it alone; leverage yourself!
  4. Congruency!
  5. Feel the fear & do it anyway!
  6. Never quit!
  7. Significance!
