It was a grey, rainy Wednesday morning, the sort that makes hitting the snooze button and sleeping through a CRN meeting (or anything else) seem like a good plan. Despite the damp start to the day, this week’s edition of CRN featured a full house of alert networkers eager to get the party started.
Doug Goodrum started things off with the announcement that CRN now has its own social media footprint. You can connect with CRN and stay on top of events, content, conversations, and announcements on four different platforms:
– LinkedIn: CRN Global
– Facebook: CRN Global
– Twitter: @crnglobal
– Google+: CRN
By following CRN on social media, you’ll be part of an ongoing conversation with people in career transition. You’ll also have access to great content and links you won’t find anywhere else…and it won’t cost you a dime.
CRN’s website underwent a recent overhaul, thanks to the above-and-beyond-the-call-of-duty efforts of Trina Ramirez (who received a certificate of appreciation from Doug for her efforts). The update’s given a new and cleaner look, which has significantly improved ease of navigation. An increase in traffic and greater name recognition for CRN can’t be far behind.
Great work, Trina!!
As part of his presentation, Doug likes to pass along tips and wisdom designed to help those in career transition with their search. This morning it was seven tips for organizing a messy job search:
1. Define your goal
2. Identify your unique selling points
3. Build your personal brand
4. Define your targets
5. Networking with your targets
6. There really are seven tips…and if you’d been at today’s CRN meeting, you’d know what they are. This is a taste of what awaits you when you join us on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at the University of Phoenix in Tigard.
Doug and the CRN leadership team continue to work on the concept for the upcoming “Boot Camp” program, the goal being for it to be rolled out in 3-4 months. Once up and running, “Boot Camp” will allow CRN to provide even more services to job seekers and those seeking career improvement. Stay tuned for more information as things develop.
Today’s speaker was midwife/health coach Polly Malby, whose topic was Find Your Passion: Give Birth to Your Dreams! Her presentation focused on being able to picture what your ideal reality would look like. It’s easy for those of us in career transition to get lost in the stress and details of our search and neglect the importance of taking time to visualize what achieving our dreams would look like.
If you’re curious about what CRN is and/or how you might benefit from being a part of it, why not join us at the next meeting on June 11th? The featured speaker will be Marsha Warner, a Career Management Consultant whose topic will be Managing Your Personal Brand by Creating Your Intentional Message.
Career transition isn’t something best done in a vacuum. It takes a village, and a CRN meeting is the perfect place to meet others in similar situations. Most new jobs today are found through networking, which makes CRN a great potential source of contacts. People are the best resource for anyone in transition; at a CRN meeting, you’ll find people who may have connections that could benefit you. You may be able to do the same for someone. That’s why we’re stronger together than separately and why WE are our most important resource.
I look forward to meeting you at the next CRN meeting on June 11th! In the meantime, if you have questions or suggestions for topics you’d like to see discussed on the CRN blog, I can be reached on Twitter (@jackcluth) or via email at
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